§ 103-34. General district regulations.
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The following regulations apply to all uses permitted in this district:A.Minimum lot requirements.RequirementStandardMinimum lot area (square feet)20,000Minimum frontage (feet)125Minimum front yard (feet)30Minimum side yard (feet)30Minimum rear yard (feet)30B.Increasing yard depth.(1)Increasing front yard depth. Front yard depth along collector and arterial roads shall be increased to 50 feet except where existing development occurred prior to the enactment of this chapter. In those cases, the front yard depth may be the average of the front yard depth for 250 feet on both sides of the proposed use along the contiguous street line.(2)Increasing side yard depth. On a corner lot the minimum side yard requirement shall increase to 50 feet for the side yard between the street line and the building line on the side street.(3)Increasing yard depth when abutting a residential lot or district. Where a new industrial use develops next to an existing residence or where a lot in an industrial district abuts a lot in a residential district, a yard shall be provided at least 50 feet in width in the industrial district. Said yard shall not be utilized for roadways or parking or storage of any materials or goods. The owner or occupant of the industrial property shall provide and properly maintain a wall, fence or hedge at least six feet but not more than eight feet in height for the full dimension of the abutting lots, except that where a driveway exists, such hedge shall begin at a point no more than 20 feet from the front lot line. In addition, new industrial uses developing next to an existing residence shall provide screening in the same manner as described above.[Amended 2-12-1992 by L.L. No. 5-1992]C.Maximum lot coverage. The gross area covered by buildings or structures of any sort shall be no more than 50% of the gross site area, and the aggregate total of buildings, structures of any sort, parking lots, storage areas, loading and travel areas shall not exceed 80% of the gross site area.D.Off-street parking and loading. Parking and loading areas in this district shall be supplied as designated in Article XIII of this chapter. No open or enclosed parking or loading areas shall encroach on any required front yard. Open parking and loading areas may encroach on a required side or rear yard to within three feet of a side or rear lot line, except as provided in Subsection B(2) and (3). Open parking and loading areas shall not encroach on one another.E.Signs and displays. See Town of Oneonta Sign Ordinance.Editor's Note: See Ch. 76, Signs.F.Building height. No building shall be erected to a height in excess of 60 feet except upon approval by the Board of Appeals.[Amended 7-12-1995 by L.L. No. 7-1995]G.Accessory buildings. All accessory buildings in this district must meet those standards established in this Article for the principal land use. Such buildings shall be on the same lot as the principal building or on an adjacent lot so long as it is within an industrial district and meets all other requirements of this chapter.H.Residential uses. Residential uses in existence in an ID zone at the time of its designation by the Town Board shall be deemed conforming uses. Modifications and additions to and replacements of existing residential uses are permitted on residential lots but must conform to the general district regulations established in § 103-18 of Article IV of the Code of the Town of Oneonta. For purposes of this chapter, "residential use" is defined as a single- or two-family dwelling.[Added 2-12-1992 by L.L. No. 5-1992]I.Family. For any existing permitted nonconforming residential uses, the provisions of § 103-14H of the Town Code of the Town of Oneonta shall apply, and reference is hereby made to such provision as if more fully set forth below.[Added 1-8-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]