§ 103-34.2. Permitted and prohibited uses; prohibited processes.  

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  • A. 
    Permitted. All uses in this district are subject to site plan review as described in Article XVI of this chapter. The permitted industrial uses include but are not limited to manufacturing and processing; contractor's yard; warehouse; freight or trucking terminal; slaughterhouse, scientific or research laboratory, including pilot plants in connection thereto; reproduction or publishing; and any executive office, corporate headquarters, subsidiary or satellite office used for administrative and/or clerical operations that do not involve on-site service to the public (e.g., insurance claim or credit card processing center); together with uses accessory thereto, are permitted if they conform to the standards of performance set out herein. "Accessory uses" shall be interpreted to mean enterprises primarily engaged in providing related services to the basic uses. Customary on-site employee services shall be permitted.
    Prohibited. The following uses shall be prohibited: transportation, storage or distribution of solid, hazardous, infectious or radioactive waste; junkyard or auto wrecking yard; commercial laundry; auto body shop; recreation and entertainment; new residential uses, except as provided below; forge plants; fuel storage yards; sawmills; rock crushing, washing or screening plants; sand, gravel or clay pits; rock or stone quarry; stockyards; grease, lard, fat or tallow rendering or refining or reduction; petroleum refining; the tanning or curing of rawhides; and paper mills (the manufacture of paper from timber).
    Prohibited processes. The manufacture of acetylene, ammonia, chlorine, animal black, lamp black, asphalt, celluloid, disinfectant, insecticides, explosives, gas for heating or illuminating, glue or gelatin (involving the recovery of products from fish or animal refuse), matches, paint, shellac, varnish, potash, rubber reclaiming, shoe polish, corrosive acids such as sulfuric or nitrate, tallow or lard, tar roofing or other tar products, paper (from raw materials) and plastic (from raw material).