§ 103-41. Standards.  

Latest version.
  • Where a change in zone must be obtained, the Planning Board, after determining that the requirements of this chapter dealing with planned development districts have been met, shall recommend the approval, approval with modifications or disapproval of the preliminary development to the Town Board. The Planning Board shall enter its reasons for such action in it records and transmit its findings by resolution to the Town Board. The Planning Board may recommend the establishment of a planned development district (where a change in zone must be obtained) or development of a planned development district (where no change in zone must be obtained), provided that it finds that the facts submitted with the preliminary development plan establish that:
    The uses proposed will not be detrimental to the natural characteristics of the site or to present and potential surrounding uses but will have a beneficial effect which could not be achieved under any other district.
    Land surrounding the proposed development can be developed in coordination with the proposed development and be compatible in use.
    Any proposed change to a planned development district is in conformance with the general intent of the Master Plan for the town.
    Existing and proposed streets are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed district and in the vicinity of the proposed district.
    Existing and proposed utility services are adequate for the proposed development.
    Each phase of the proposed development, as it is proposed to be completed, contains the required parking spaces, landscape and utility areas necessary for creating and sustaining a desirable and stable environment.