§ 103-72.2. Natural gas exploration and extraction.
Latest version.
A.The Town Board of the Town of Oneonta finds, declares and determines that: 1) the exploration for natural gas; 2) the extraction of natural gas; and 3) the storage, transfer, treatment or disposal of natural gas and exploration and production wastes in the environment of the Town pose a significant threat to its residents' health, safety and welfare. If natural gas exploration and extraction or the storage, transfer, treatment or disposal of natural gas production wastes were to occur within the Town, these activities would endanger the health, safety and welfare of residents through the deposit of toxins into the environment. Clean air and water are essential to most resources and activities in the area. The quality of the air and the water will be degraded by natural gas exploration and extraction activities and/or the storage, transfer, treatment or disposal of natural gas exploration and production wastes. These activities and waste products may presently or in the future cause irreparable harm to the Town's water supply. This section is not directed at the regulatory scheme for the operation of natural gas wells under the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Law of New York State. It only addresses the land use and nuisance concerns and the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the people of the Town of Oneonta and the enhancement of its physical environment.B.Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
- A bored, drilled or driven shaft whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension, or a dug hole whose depth is greater that the largest surface dimension, through which fluids (which may or may not include semisolids) are injected into the subsurface and less than 90% of such fluids return to the surface within a period of 90 days.
- A site where any natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes are applied to the soil surface or injected into the upper layers of soil.
- Methane and any gaseous substance, either combustible or noncombustible, which is produced in a natural state from the earth and which maintains a gaseous or rarefied state at standard temperature and pressure conditions, and/or gaseous components or vapors occurring in or derived from petroleum or other hydrocarbons.
- Geologic or geophysical activities related to the search for natural gas or other subsurface hydrocarbons including prospecting, geophysical and geologic seismic surveying and sampling techniques, but only to the extent that such activities involve or employ core, rotary, or any other type of drilling or otherwise making any penetration or excavation of any land or water surface in the search for and evaluation of natural gas or other subsurface hydrocarbon deposits.
- The digging or boring of a well for the purposes of exploring for, developing or producing natural gas or other subsurface hydrocarbons, including without limitation any and all forms of hydraulic fracturing.
- (1) Any of the following in any form, and whether or not such items have been excepted or exempted from the coverage of any federal or state environmental protection laws, or have been excepted from statutory or regulatory definitions of "industrial waste," "hazardous," or "toxic," and whether or not such substances are generally characterized as waste:
- (a) Below-regulatory-concern radioactive material, or any radioactive material which is not below regulatory concern, but which is in fact not being regulated by an agency otherwise having jurisdiction over such material in the Town, whether naturally occurring or otherwise, relating to, arising in connection with, or produced by or incidental to the exploration for, the extraction or production of, or the processing, treatment, or transportation of, natural gas or any related hydrocarbons;
- (b) Natural gas drilling fluids, including, but not limited to hydraulic fracturing fluid;
- (c) Natural gas exploration, drilling, production or processing wastes;
- (d) Natural gas drilling treatment wastes (such as oils, fracturing fluids, produced water, brine flowback, sediment and/or any other liquid or semiliquid material);
- (e) Any chemical, waste oil, waste emulsified oil, mud, or sediment that was used or produced in the drilling, development, transportation, processing or refining of natural gas;
- (f) Soil contaminated in the drilling, hydraulic fracturing (including but not limited to high-volume hydraulic fracturing), transportation, processing or refining of natural gas;
- (g) Drill cuttings from hydraulic fracturing and/or horizontal drilling for natural gas wells; or
- (h) Any other wastes associated with the exploration, drilling, productions or treatment of natural gas.
- (a)
- (2) This definition specifically intends to include some wastes that may otherwise be classified as "solid wastes which are not hazardous wastes" under 40 CFR 261.4(b).
- (3) The definition of "natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes" does not include:
- (a) Recognizable and nonrecognizable food wastes; or
- (b) Waste generated by agriculture use.
- (a)
- Any of the following:
- (1) Tanks of any construction (metal, fiberglass, concrete, etc.);
- (2) Impoundments;
- (3) Pits;
- (4) Evaporation ponds; or
- (5) Other facilities, in any case used for the storage or treatment of natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes that:
- (a) Are being held for initial use;
- (b) Have been used and are being held for subsequent reuse or recycling;
- (c) Are being held for treatment; or
- (d) Are being held for storage.
- (a)
- Land upon which natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes, or their residue or constituents before or after treatment, are deposited, disposed, discharged, injected, placed, buried or discarded, without any intention of further use.
- Any refuse, sludge or other waste materials, whether or not recycled or reused or intended to be recycled or reused, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material that results from, is associated with or produced as a byproduct of natural gas exploration or extraction, including, without limitation, production brine, produced waters, flowback, flowback fluids or hydraulic fracturing fluids.
- The construction, use, or maintenance of a storage or staging yard, a water or fluid injection station, a water or fluid gathering station, a natural gas storage facility, or a natural gas gathering line, venting station, or compressor associated with the exploration or extraction of natural gas.
- All parts of those physical facilities through which gas, hazardous liquids, or chemicals move in transportation (including pipes, valves and other equipment and appurtenances attached to pipes and other equipment such as drip stations, vent stations, pigging facilities, valve boxes, transfer pump stations, measuring and regulating equipment, yard and station piping, and cathodic protection equipment), whether or not laid in public or private easement or private right of way within the Town. This includes, without limitation, gathering lines, production lines, and transmission lines in connection with natural gas exploration activities and natural gas extraction activities. Notwithstanding the foregoing definition, those pipelines that are exempt or otherwise excluded from regulation under federal and state laws regarding pipeline construction standards or reporting requirements, and specifically production lines, distribution lines and gathering lines, are not subject to regulation by this Code.
- The use of land for the purpose of extracting and selling stone, sand, gravel or other minerals, and not including natural gas or oil exploration and extraction.
- Subsurface emplacement of natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes, including emplacement by or into an injection well.
- Subsurface storage, including in depleted gas or oil reservoirs and salt caverns, of natural gas that has been transferred from its original location for the primary purpose of load balancing the production of natural gas. Includes compression and dehydration facilities, and pipelines.
C.Prohibited uses. It shall be unlawful in or on any zoning district or any property within the boundaries of the Town to operate, conduct, commission, authorize, or permit, or produce natural gas exploration, exploration or production wastes, natural gas support activities, or storage or disposal of natural gas production byproducts, natural gas extraction, exploration or production wastes dump. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit soil mining or excavation as defined in this Code, unless such mining or excavation otherwise qualifies as a prohibited use under this section.
Added 3-26-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014