§ 58-13. Mobile homes outside mobile home parks.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Prohibition of mobile homes. No mobile home or travel trailer shall be parked or allowed to remain upon any street, highway or other public place, except that emergency stopping or parking, when caused by mechanical failure, shall be permitted upon the shoulder of any street or highway for a period of not more than 72 hours, subject, however, to any prohibition or limitation imposed by other regulations or laws.
    Permitted mobile homes.
    No occupied mobile home shall hereafter be parked or otherwise placed within the Town of Oneonta and outside a licensed mobile home park unless a building permit is obtained. A building permit for the use of a mobile home in the Town of Oneonta shall be issued only when, in addition to meeting all the requirements set forth in other parts of the Zoning Ordinance, such mobile home meets all of the following requirements:
    The lot on which the mobile home is located is in a Residence-Agriculture (RA) Zoning District and meets all the standards of that district.
    The gross floor area of such mobile home shall not be less than 675 square feet.
    Only mobile homes bearing the insignia of approval of the State Building Code Council (provided for in Chapter 687 of the 1971 Laws of New York State) or other mobile homes which meet all the standards of the State Building Code Council shall be permitted on individual lots.
    Editor's Note: Currently, see § 374 of the Executive Law establishing the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council.
    Each mobile home shall be set upon a foundation constructed as follows:
    Material: eight-inch concrete or equivalent.
    Type of construction: perimeter foundation, lateral runners, longitudinal runners or pillars.
    Foundation must extend 36 inches below ground level.
    Foundation must contact and support mobile home structural frame in a sufficient number of places to adequately support said mobile home.
    The structural frame of said mobile home shall be attached to the ground in not less than four places, attached by cables equipped with turnbuckles to concrete inground anchors.
    The mobile home base, when placed upon said foundation, shall not exceed 48 inches in height above ground level at any point.
    Foundation and closure. The mobile home foundation shall be enclosed by a skirt securely fastened and extending from the outside wall of the mobile home to ground level around the entire perimeter of the mobile home. The skirt shall be constructed of sturdy wood, plastic, masonry or metal material capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions over extended periods of time. No skirt shall be required where a perimeter foundation is employed.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 103, Zoning, Art. III.
    Each mobile home shall have at least 500 cubic feet of accessory storage space either in the basement (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance) below the mobile home or in an accessory building.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 103, Zoning, § 103-3.
    Each mobile home building permit application shall contain a sketch showing:
    Lot dimensions.
    Proposed location of the mobile home.
    Location of all other structures on the premises.
    Description of the foundation or skirting.
    All building permits under this section shall be issued by the Enforcement Officer of the Town of Oneonta.