§ 63-6. Specific requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permitted fuel. Fuel shall only be natural untreated wood or fuels specifically permitted by the manufacturer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following fuels are strictly prohibited:
    The burning of processed wood products and other nonwood products.
    Painted wood and/or treated wood.
    Any other item not specifically allowed by the manufacturer for this provision.
    Permitted zones. Outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters shall be permitted only in the R-80 and RA-40 Zoning Districts as shown on the Town's Zoning Map.
    Minimum lot size. Outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters shall be permitted only on lots of three acres or more.
    Setbacks. Phase I OWHHs shall be set back not less than 150 feet from the nearest lot line and to the rear of the principal building. Phase II OWHHs shall be set back not less than 100 feet from the nearest lot line and to the rear of the principal building. All other OWHHs shall be set back not less than 150 feet from the nearest lot line and to the rear of the principal building.
    Months of operation. Outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters shall be operated only between October 1 of the current calendar year and April 15 of the following year.
    Spark arrestors. All existing outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters shall be equipped with properly functioning spark arrestors. All new outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters shall comply with the manufacturers' recommendations.
    Chimney height. All existing outdoor wood-fired hydronic heater units in the Town of Oneonta shall be equipped with a permanent chimney which shall terminate at the higher of 15 feet above ground level at the wood-fired hydronic heater or two feet higher than any residential or occupied structure within 300 feet of the wood-fired hydronic heater.
    Effective February 1, 2009, only EPA Phase I or II OWHHs shall be permitted for new or replacement installations in the Town of Oneonta.
    Effective April 1, 2010, only EPA Phase II OWHHs shall be permitted for new or replacement installations in the Town of Oneonta.