§ 76-6. General regulations.
Latest version.
A.Identification. On all freestanding signs installed after the effective date of this chapter, other than exempt signs, the owner or installer shall attach a permanent means of identification of the sign permit number.B.Size of signs.(1)The portion of a sign frame or support containing, covered by or painted with any written or representational matter shall be counted as part of the permitted area of a sign. In those cases where a sign lacks obvious boundaries (for example, a painted logo on a wall without a painted boundary or background color to separate the sign visually from the rest of the wall, or a message spelled out in metal letters individually attached to a post), the sign area shall be computed by superimposing the smallest rectangle, circle, triangle or combination thereof that will encompass the extreme limits of the images and messages.(2)The sign surface area for a sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces, with the exception of back-to-back signs, for which surface area shall be the sign surface area of one face of the sign.(3)The maximum permitted total sign surface area of all signs on a parcel, excluding exempt signs, shall be as follows:(a)Four square feet for sandwich boards.[Amended 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017](b)In residential zones (R-10, R-20, RA-40, R-80, PDD-R and MHD), all signs are generally prohibited, with the exception of a sign identifying an approved use for home occupation consisting of a maximum total of two square feet, which sign must be attached to the facade of the house or affixed to a lamppost set back at least 15 feet from the front lot line of the parcel, or community and special events in accordance with § 76-4A(18).[Amended 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017](c)In HDD and ID and ID-2 Districts, each use conducted within any building or upon any lot may have a business sign not to exceed a maximum of 250 square feet except that on corner parcels, the second allowed business sign shall not exceed 100 square feet. For shopping centers, as defined by the Code of the Town of Oneonta, Chapter 103, Zoning, the property owner shall be permitted one additional freestanding sign for the shopping center not exceeding 200 square feet in signage, which may list any or all businesses located in the shopping center.[Amended 6-16-1995 by L.L. No. 6-1995; 1-10-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996; 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017](d)In B-1 and B-2 Districts, the permitted maximum signage shall be as follows:[Added 6-16-1995 by L.L. No. 6-1995][1]Each use conducted within any building or upon any lot may have a business sign, provided that the area of each such sign shall not exceed 100 square feet.[Amended 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]C.Number of signs. In residential districts and mobile home districts, only a sign identifying an approved home occupation as permitted by § 76-6B(3)(b), community and special events in accordance with § 76-4A(18), or a sign displaying the name of the mobile home park shall be permitted. In all other districts, excluding exempt signs, each business shall be allowed one facade sign, and the parcel allowed one freestanding sign. In shopping centers, as defined in Chapter 103, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Oneonta, one freestanding sign listing all businesses at the shopping center and one facade sign for each business shall be permitted. On corner parcels, the facade of the structure facing the second street shall be allowed a second facade sign subject to size requirements in § 76-6B(3)(c) and § 76-6B(3)(d)[1].[Amended 8-10-1994 by L.L. No. 7-1994; 6-16-1995 by L.L. No. 6-1995; 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]D.Height of signs.(1)Signs attached to, painted on or part of the roof of any structure may be no higher than the highest peak height of the main roof of that structure.(2)Signs attached to a wall shall not extend above the highest habitable portion of the building to which they are attached or project more than 18 inches horizontally beyond the wall.(3)In all districts where signs are permitted, freestanding signs shall not exceed 35 feet in height. The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured from the top of the sign structure to the finished grade, including any mounding, berming or filling solely for the purpose of siting the sign.[Amended 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]E.Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs, except those specified as exempt signs, must be located on the lot where the goods, services or functions announced by the sign occur. One nonexempt freestanding sign shall be permitted for each nonresidential or nonagricultural lot or parcel. If a single nonresidential, nonagricultural use occurs on adjacent lots or on lots across a road from one another, only one lot may have a nonexempt freestanding sign. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 250 square feet of surface area per face in HDD, ID, and ID-2 Districts, or 100 square feet in B-1 and B-2 Districts, except as permitted in § 76-6H.[Amended 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]F.Illuminated signs. Illuminated signs are permitted in all districts, except residential districts, provided that the illumination does not create a hazard, glare or nuisance. All illumination on, directed at, or part of a sign shall be turned off no later than one hour after the close of business.G.Electronic signs. Electronic signs are permitted in all districts, except residential districts, subject to the following:[Added 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017](1)All electronic signs shall contain a default design that will freeze the sign in one position or turn the sign off if a malfunction occurs.(2)If the Code Enforcement Officer or any inspector of the Code Enforcement Office finds that an electronic sign or display causes glare or impairs the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle or otherwise interferes with the safe operation of a motor vehicle, upon request, the permit holder shall within 24 hours reduce the intensity of the sign to a level acceptable to the Code Enforcement Officer.(3)The permit holder shall provide the Code Enforcement Office with contact information for a person who is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to turn off the electronic sign promptly if a malfunction occurs.(4)Electronic signs' display lighting shall not exceed 0.3 footcandle over ambient light.(5)All illumination that is part of an electronic sign shall be turned off no later than one hour after the close of business.(6)Electronic signs are limited to static messages of an eight-second minimum duration.(7)Electronic signs shall not:(a)Emit any sound.(b)Cause beams or rays of light to be directed at any portion of the traveled way, which beams or rays are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle or otherwise interfere with the operation of a motor vehicle.(c)Obscure or interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device or signal, or cause an undue distraction to the traveling public.(d)Contain more than one face visible from the same direction on the traveled way.(e)Obscure or otherwise interfere with a motor vehicle operator's view of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic.(f)Contain flashing, intermittent, or moving lights; or display animated, moving video or scrolling advertising except as provided for in § 76-5B.Editor's Note: This local law also redesignated former Subsections G through L as Subsections H through M, respectively.H.Signs in shopping centers. In shopping centers, one common freestanding sign denoting the name of the shopping facility shall be permitted, not exceeding 200 square feet in total sign surface area, and with bottom panel not less than eight feet above the grade.I.Off-premises signs. No off-premises signs shall be permitted other than those allowed in the exempt signs provision of this chapter.J.Copy-change signs. Copy-change signs are permitted, provided that they conform in all other respects with the provisions of this chapter.K.Portable signs. A new business or a business in a new location awaiting installation of a permanent sign may use a portable sign for a period of not more than 60 days or until installation of a permanent sign, whichever occurs first. Such a portable sign must meet all the safety regulations of this chapter. A separate permit for such a portable sign shall be required.L.Removal of signs. All structural parts of signs no longer in use shall be removed within six months. If such signs are not removed within the allowed time, the Code Enforcement Officer may cause such signs to be removed, with the removal costs charged to the property owner. The Code Enforcement Officer may cause any sign which is a source of immediately peril to persons or property to be removed immediately and without notice, with the removal costs charged to the property owner.M.Temporary nonilluminated banner signs displaying or announcing special events, such as but not limited to grand openings, temporary sales or events of limited duration, may be obtained upon application to the Code Enforcement Officer for a permit, subject to the limitations set forth herein. Temporary nonilluminated banner signs displayed at temporary sporting and nonprofit events are exempt from the banner restrictions as set forth in this section. The Code Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to issue temporary sign permits for such temporary nonilluminated banners or similar signs for a limited event upon application of the property or business owner. Such sign permit will specify any restrictions or safety conditions as may be deemed appropriate by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Oneonta. In no event shall any one temporary banner sign permit exceed 30 days' duration. The fee for obtaining such temporary permit for the erection of banner-type signs shall be such fee as is established by resolution of the Town Board from time to time. Upon expiration of the temporary permit, such temporary banner sign shall be promptly removed by the property owner, and, in the event of a failure to do so, said property owner shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in § 76-10 hereof.[Added 8-14-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996; amended 6-10-1998 by L.L. No. 6-1998; 7-12-2006 by L.L. No. 6-2006; 10-11-2017 by L.L. No. 5-2017]