§ 88-28. Specifications for street improvements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Required construction specifications.
    Clearing and grubbing.
    The entire right-of-way shall be cleared of brush and trees, except those which will be an asset to subdivision landscape.
    All boulders, organic material, soft clay, spongy clay and other objectional material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material to the satisfaction of the designated town representative. Where the designated town representative determines necessary, further measures may be required to stabilize original ground.
    Subgrade preparation.
    The subgrade shall be suitably stabilized, shaped, rolled and uniformly compacted in accordance with § 88-28A(3) to conform to lines and subgrades and typical cross sections of this specification and the approved final plat profile drawings.
    After the subgrade has been completed, all rutting displacement or soft spots shall be properly repaired with new material, regraded and compacted to the satisfaction of the designated town representative.
    When existing materials in the road are to be used for road base material, that material shall be removed from the surface of the subgrade so that the subgrade may be properly prepared before the base is constructed.
    Cuts and fills shall have a maximum slope of one vertical to two horizontal [one on two], except where specifically waived by the Planning Board for the purpose of saving trees or some other particular terrain feature at a given place (see Drawings Nos. 1A, Typical Street Section, and 1B, Typical Road Section, at the end of this chapter).
    Compaction for roadways, structures, building slabs and steps, walkways, pavements and pipe trenches shall be carried out as follows: Compact each layer of backfill or fill material to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density as obtained through the Standard Proctor Compaction method, ASTM D-1557. Field test procedure shall be as per ASTM D-1556 or ASTM D-2922. Nuclear testing will be allowed.
    For lawns and unpaved areas, compaction shall be carried out on each layer of backfill or fill to a minimum of 90% of maximum dry density.
    Moisture-density relationship.
    For soils which exhibit a well-defined moisture-density relationship, compaction requirements shall apply to the maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM D-698.
    For soils which do not exhibit a well-defined moisture-density relationship, compaction requirements shall apply to the maximum index density as determined in accordance with ASTM D4253.
    One compaction test shall be performed for a minimum of two 2,000 square feet of roadbed area at locations as directed by a Town representative. All costs for compaction and compaction tests shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
    Paving for residential subdivisions.
    The subbase shall be constructed of one course of dense graded aggregate. The gradation of the subbase course shall be as follows:
    Sieve Size Designation
    Percent Passing Base Course
    90 to 100
    30 to 65
    No. 40
    5 to 40
    No. 200
    0 to 10
    The subbase shall have a compacted thickness of no less than 12 inches and shall be compacted in accordance with § 88-28A(3), Compaction.
    Upon completion of the gravel foundation course as described above, a double-surface treatment shall be applied in the following manner:
    First application. First application shall be two-inch New York State Department of Transportation Regulation 403.13 Type 3 dense binder.
    Second application. Second application shall be one-inch New York State Department of Transportation Regulation 403.16 Type 6 top surface.
    Paving for commercial subdivisions. Pavement structure for commercial subdivision shall be of sufficient strength to support the traffic volume and axial loading generated by the tenants of said subdivision and shall be designed accordingly. Design parameters and calculations shall be submitted with the plat prior to final approval.
    Driveway aprons (see Drawing No. 3, Galvanized Steel End Sections for Corrugated Steel Pipe and Corrugated Steel Pipe-Arch, at the end of this chapter). All driveways or other parking areas shall have driveway aprons extending from the gutter line to the property line. Driveway aprons shall be of the same construction as the street paving or better. Driveway aprons shall be at least 10 feet wide at the gutter face and at least eight feet wide at the property line.
    Street signs. Street and traffic control signs shall be provided by, and at the expense of, the developer consistent with Town design. All traffic control signs shall be approved by the Town Board upon recommendation of the Highway Superintendent and consistent with the Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices.
    [Amended 4-11-2007 by Ord. No. 4-2007]
    Erosion control.
    All disturbed areas, back slopes and embankment slopes shall be seeded and mulched in accordance with good landscape practice.
    All open channels shall receive protective lining designed in accordance with the New York State Department of Transportation Soil Design Procedure SDP-2.
    A temporary erosion control plan meeting all current New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) regulations shall be submitted for review with the final plat.
    Maintenance of public improvements. All public improvements shall be maintained by the owner or developer prior to acceptance by the Town in a reasonable manner sufficient to adequately provide for the safety of the general public using or traveling on such improvements.
    [Added 9-10-2008 by L.L. No. 4-2008]